two little rabbit boys

I've been wanting my own cosy rabbit hutch for a very long time and now that I've saved up enough money to take full responsibility on a little companion, I decided to do some research to find my lop eared rabbits.

The local pet shop Leon and I go to every week to buy food for his lizard were selling some adorable baby mini lop rabbits in a variety of patterns and colours, which made me want to have a rabbit in my arms even faster. Even though they were an overload of cuteness, I personally would never purchase any pets (besides fish) from a pet shop. I find it cruel how pet shops can keep an animal in a small tank all day with the only purpose being to attract gawkers and impulsive buyers. I was also horrified to discover that the rabbits at the pet shop were only 5 weeks old. The litters were obviously removed from the mother prematurely which is sad and awful because they haven't been fully weaned to establish a healthy immune system if they are being sold under the age of 8 weeks.

With my mum's work, my house isn't the quietest, nor the safest, during the day so for the happiness and well-being of my rabbits, I have to keep it outdoors. It's heart sickening that I don't have a lot of bonding time with them and can't spend any minute of the day watching them grow but the times that I do spend with them are worth the wait.
Leon found this amazingly large hutch online for a fraction of the price in pet shops and we picked it up the very next day and assembled it together under my veranda. It was so beautiful that for the whole week, I'd have dreams about holding my rabbits and watching it play in its little house. I couldn't wait to meet them and have them on my lap.

Fortunately, I found a wonderful registered local breeder called Cassandra who lived a road across from my cousins's. She had platinum blonde hair and very long dark eyelashes, things her little free-spirited daughter didn't carry. She welcomed me into her backyard for me to meet my potential future rabbits and I fell in love with them as soon as I saw them. My two little rabbit boys were perfect. They were healthy pure bred UK Miniature lop rabbit brothers with fur ever so soft and had just turned 8 weeks. After playing with them and chatting to Cassandra under her large apple tree, I bought the little rabbits for $100 altogether - lower in price than the underweight rabbits at the pet shops. Cassandra was lovely enough to give me a bag of their pellets and the address of an inexpensive local warehouse that sells plenty of rabbit necessities.

The car ride home was the most frightened I'd ever been. I was so worried about my little boys when I was holding the carrier box ever so tightly as they were breathing heavily, being scared of the bumps in the road and the vibration of the motor. I stroked them and spoke to them softly, reassuring that they were safe in my arms.

The first day
Milo, my broken lilac mini lop
Oreo, my broken black mini lop
My maternal instincts kick in whenever I see them and I am so protective of them. The first few nights I couldn't sleep properly. Having the rabbits sleep outside in their hutch worried me to death. The Summer days only add more to my worries because I'm terribly afraid that my rabbits might fall into a heat stroke. But worries aside, I love them whole-heartedly. I love how they express happiness through their dances and how they stand up on their hind legs to scope. I love how they sleep, how they lick themselves, how they stretch and yawn. I love how such a small little creature can have so much life inside them.

I love my two little rabbit boys ever so much.

2012 - the year of the writer

NYE - $10 maxi dress bought in Sydney
I started the first few seconds of the new year leaning against the window in my boyfriend's double storey garage watching the fireworks with a few of his friends and their partners. It was magical.
But the magic ended in a hurry when the clock struck 12 and just like Cinderella in her fairytale, I had to quickly leave the party.
My older brother had to fly away from our nest of a home to return back to his base. That's the most difficult thing about having a family member in the Army, they can only spend so little time with us until they have to report back to their duties. There's also no certainty of when they'll be coming home.
We said our goodbyes at the airport and wished him luck for the new year.

The past month with my brother felt so beautiful. Home felt like home when he was there.
It's heartbreaking that the only way to relive those moments is in my head.
we'd spend hours playing board games together 
the fish tank had never looked more clear
It's the new year now and I thought I'd make take the opportunity to change how I want my blog to be.
I want this blog is going to be about the stories I have to tell and the bonus photos that come along with it.

I've also deleted my Tumblr account. I found I was being too heavily influenced by a generation of hipsters. I want to see and do things with my heart, and my heart only.
But this handsome stranger from somewhere across the world who appreciates my own writings amongst my hundreds of reblogs and who I love his writings equally as much, if not more, made me realise that despite 99% of Tumblr users are photo re-posters, be that 1% who writes.
What he had to say:
"Every time you publish something here in the chaotic forum of good ideas, terrible ideas, and impossibly huge arrays of cat photos, you're contributing. Your contribution affects the global Tumblrshpere, and the more you contribute, the more you'll influence it. Then maybe one day we can live in a world where the sheep are for wool rather than walking neon-clad credit cards at American Apparel"
Ah the beauty of words. I have a crush on those whose words rhythmically fall off the tip of their tongues.

And new year resolutions?
To take more photos and write more.
Oh and find myself a job - cash rules everything around me.

PS - my boyfriend's dear mother gave me a visual journal along with some watercolour pencils and a brush for Christmas. It's fun painting, though I only have 12 colours to work with at the moment.
Here's my first time watercolouring:
the moon child
Update - I've gone back to Tumblr